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Science Awards – no mention of evolution


Late last month, Silicon Valley honored six recipients with over $21 million in prizes in the categories of scientific advancement at the Breakthrough Awards.  Many scientists, including Bill Nye (set to debate creationist Ken Ham at the Creation Museum next week), argue that the teaching of evolution is necessary for scientific advancement.  He goes as far as to say about our children: “we need them!”  The interesting connection to these awards for scientific advancement is that NONE of them are in the area of evolution and NONE of them required a belief in evolution to achieve what they did.

Read up on the various winners and their achievements at this link: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/oscars-of-science-breakthrough-awards-hands-out-21m-to-transform-physicists-into-rockstars-9003541.html

Evolutionists like to reframe the argument to be all about evolution, yet very little in science actually deals with it.  Medical doctors sure don’t operate as if they believe in ‘survival of the fittest’.  I once had an email conversation with Glenn Branch from the National Center for Science Education asking him why his organization was named that.  I suggested it be renamed to the National Center for Evolution Education.  In reality, science is about much more than evolution.  Skeptics and many mainstream media outlets would have us believe that a belief in evolution is required to be a scientist, but these awards seem to contradict that mantra.  Sorry Bill.

EDIT:  I shared this post with Ken Ham and received this reply –
