

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Island rapidly forms before sailor’s eyes!

In 2006, a group of sailors traversing the south Pacific ocean came across an anomaly.  What appeared to be a sand barge in the middle of the ocean.


They decided to investigate.  They maneuvered their boat through the ‘sand barge’ leaving a trail in their wake.


As they moved away they noticed something strange – a plume of smoke rising out of the area.


It turned out they had just sailed over an active volcano!  Within minutes, the witnessed a brand new island being formed rapidly before their eyes!


This amazing event gives evidence to a rarely talked about phenomenon: how geologic events can and do occur very rapidly!  We get used to interpreting most geologic processes as gradual and uniform, taking millions of years to form and change.  This is not always true.

We creationists believe that the flood of Noah’s time initiated plate tectonics (“the fountains of the great deep burst forth” Gen 7:11).  We believe that was the onset of of most geologic activity such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, etc.  In fact, we believe that ongoing geologic events are technically aftershocks from the flood.  We believe the flood rearranged the continents, raised the mountain ranges, lowered valleys, and much more.

This amazing rapid island formation is evidence that although we observe most geologic events such as erosion happening very slowly over a long time, extreme catastrophic events can shape the face of the planet very rapidly.  When we see this island formation happen, it makes it more understandable how a worldwide catastrophe such as the flood could quickly reshape our planet – and that judging that past by today’s normal slow processes would lead to incorrect conclusions (old-earth/evolution).



more info:  http://www.snopes.com/photos/natural/maiken.asp

The definitive argument: CREATION (catastrophism) vs. EVOLUTION (uniformitarianism)

I have been studying creationism and evolution for the past two years.  I have participated in countless debates and had my knowledge expanded on both sides of the issue.  I feel I have finally come to the core of the issue and have formulated my comprehensive argument in favor of young-earth, Biblical creation.

  1. Creationists and evolutionists have the same evidence (same bones, same rocks, same earth), but come to different conclusions due to different starting assumptions used to explain the evidence.
  2. Evolutionists have a starting assumption of uniformitarianism of geology and biology.  This basically means that the rates and processes we measure today have remained constant and unchanged for all of history.
  3. Creationists have a starting assumption of catastrophism.  This basically means that if the Bible is true, then there are three very important events (a 6-day literal creation, a cursed world following original sin, and a worldwide flood) that intrude and disrupt the assumption of uniformitarianism.
  4. Therefore, if the Bible is true – uniformitarianism fails, and so do all conclusions (macro-evolution, old-earth) that flow from that assumption.

Realize this is not a denial of the scientific method.  This is a re-interpretation of the same data.  A person who truly believes the Bible is true has no reason to accept evolution or an old-earth because the Bible offers a different history than those theories use.  For evolutionists: yes, this argument hinges on the assumption that the Bible’s catastrophic events actually happened – BUT your conclusions also hinge on an unobserved, unrepeatable assumption: uniformitarianism.

The takeaway here is that the “overwhelming evidences” for evolution, old-earth, and slow geologic processes are interpretations built on assumptions.  Creationists have their own interpretations built on different assumptions.  This is not a battle over intellect.  It is a battle over whether the Bible is true.  The evidence can’t tell us either way.  A common misconception is that creationists reject micro-evolution and natural selection.  Not at all, those are actual observed occurrences.  We only reject the unseen lengths to which these changes can accumulate.

Of course this argument will raise a plethora of valid follow-up questions on everything from radiometric dating to dinosaurs to distant starlight.  For creationist interpretations to those issues, I suggest my Top 20 FAQ and more details on the three catastrophic events.

“You must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and… They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised… everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.  But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water.  By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed.”

– 2 Peter 3: 3-6